Shell: bash Operating system: macOS Liquid Prompt version (tag, commit): master (pulled just today) Seems to be related to exit code (exit code color?), in combination with git branch. Seen...
I'm using Sprig functions through Helm. They recommended opening [the issue]( here. This is what I posted, which pretty much sums everything up: --- When using the following checks in...
In this piece of code: You check for a method based on the entity attribute name. If the entity is named with a `_` or `-`, there isn't a...
Climate numbers are off (vs their site). Looks like elevation might play a factor here. Anyway to get that incorporated? Our elevation here is 6276 (feet). I think other weather...
[ -> response.getHeaders(SALT_AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER)[0].getValue()]( Fresh install of salt-api: 2018.3.0 Fresh Rundeck: 2.10.8 I have verified successful login works via curl and a REST client. This error happens _after_ `responseCode == capability.getLoginSuccessResponseCode()`...
### The problem When trying to sync my iCloud calendar, I'm getting the following error: ``` ParserError: Missing parameter value in 'X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS={addr ln 1}\\n {city} {state} {zipcode}\\nUnited States;X-APPLE-ABUID="{sensored}’s Home"::;X-APPLE-MAPKIT-HANDLE={removed key};X-APPLE-RADIUS={radius};X-APPLE-REFERENCEFRAME=1;X-TITLE={title...
The library requires you to ::init() itself immediately. Unfortunately, when using DI, this becomes a problem when you need to manipulate parameters after-the-init using ::get() The library should supply an...
Deebot 930, start/stop/pause isn't doing anything. I've noticed "turn_on" activates its cleaning, and "turn_off" finishes it. "return_to_base" does work as well. Could there be something difference in the 930 command...
Dependent on 2.x branch. Doesn't work with 3.x. In addition: You don't provide very good documentation on how to use it. Can you explain: ```php /** @var Swagger\Annotations\Swagger $swagger */...
Getting type error mismatching when a non-Exception throwable is thrown: ``` TypeError : Argument 1 passed to SMartins\Exceptions\Handlers\AbstractHandler::__construct() must be an instance of Exception, instance of TypeError given, called in...