Gustavo Hoirisch

Results 20 issues of Gustavo Hoirisch

Trying to get the basic example to work with no luck. this is what is in the body of my page: ``` html Diagram will be placed here var diagram...

I needed to set the buildpack command to have my application work so this PR simply updates the readme with the appropriate command

Fix for bug where removing the first website from the search module would cause it to stop working. Now it defaults to the "oldest" (smallest id number). Reason: It used...

So I was working on this a couple of months back. It is still unfinished but given that someone else also made a PR for it I thought I should...

The field was hardcoded to 'nzbget' as I believe that is how it used to work but now it no longer works that way so I changed it! :D

Should look into adding lazyloading of images to improve responsiveness, especially when loading maraschino from the internet. Usually I find the first load is a little unresponsive until all images...


Seems like the option to rotate the backgrounds doesn't work on Freenas. Since I have no experience with the operating system I thought I'd just register the issue for other...


With the latest set of updates it seems the div set up to be sticky ends up getting a "height: 0" styling when going back into the page. This then...

When using this package I can see the following warnings in the terminal: ``` $ react-scripts build Creating an optimized production build... [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the...