
Results 18 issues of gudata

If I load the following js from external file ``` javascript (function() { stroll.bind('#sidebar nav.categories div.scroll ul'); }).call(this); ``` I got an error ``` javascript Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property...

``` { "keys": [ "ctrl+r" ], "command": "cucumber_step_finder", "context": [ { "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.gherkin.feature" } ] }, ```

Maybe this is for the Rails Date Kit

Hello, It would be nice to add support for sqlite.

I have tested with this book 9781491957653 When I open the epub in fbreader and okular the code samples are displayed in 2px wide column and are undreadable.

format issue

guda@guda-laptop:~/re ∴ rake rails:upgrade:gems --trace (in /home/guda/re) *\* Invoke rails:upgrade:gems (first_time) *\* Execute rails:upgrade:gems rake aborted! (eval):10:in `generate_gemfile': compile error (eval):10: syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_BEG, expecting $end config.gem 'thoughtbot-paperclip', ^...

To make macjomost_mongo work with both ActiveRecord, Mongoid at the same time i have to put the following code in my blueprints.rb and then the spec runs only with spork,...

Hello, Is there a way to not display the monitor frame? ![Selection_358](

drill 0.8.3 ```yaml --- concurrency: 4 base: '' iterations: 50 rampup: 4 plan: - name: Support for POST method request: url: /api/users method: POST body: foo=bar ``` the output is...