
Results 7 comments of gm

Hi @rabbitdaxi Thank you for your time and detailed feedback! Below is the overview of my setup with two Azure Kinect and a (10 x 7) calibration board (square size...

Hi @mbleyer i have only taken one image of calibration per camera

Hi @mbleyer thank you for your suggestion, I have tried to take 30 images of the calibration board at different distances and rotations by modifying the capture_devices() function to wait...

Hi @valvador92 glad to know someone is experiencing the same issue as me! I still could not solve the problem with Azure Kinect, but I have tried to use a...

Hi @forestsen Thanks for your code, I am able to build your example on [Aruco_TwoKinects_Calibration_Extrinsics]( With the printed [arucopattern.png](, I run your code and I am able to get the...

Hi @mbleyer could the issue of systematic nonlinear depth distortion (that is inherent in [time-of-flight depth cameras]( also contribute to the misalignment in point clouds? i.e. even though the extrinsic...

Hi @henryo12 the position of the cameras and the scene that they are looking at will affect the number of generated point cloud data ... do you have any images...