Excuse me, could you tell me the problem solved?
hi,I have to repair and submit PR,
手动启动xray.exe failed `E:\tools\ChromeGo\Xray>xray.exe -c config.json Xray 1.8.4 (Xray, Penetrates Everything.) Custom (go1.21.0 windows/386) A unified platform for anti-censorship. 2023/10/11 18:02:25 [Info] infra/conf/serial: Reading config: config.json Failed to start: app/proxyman/inbound: failed...
> 管理员权限启动试试 重启电脑试试 都试过了,之前用的没问题,最近两周不知道为什么就出现这个情况了。
> 卸载国产杀毒安全软件 电脑是win11,并未安装杀毒软件,我通过dControl把自带的也关了,没啥用
请问成功了吗?我这边没成功 Document $('#reader').html5_qrcode(function (data) { // do something when code is read alert(data); }, function (error) { //show read errors }, function (videoError) { //the video stream could be opened...