Wilhelm M. L.
Wilhelm M. L.
RT,文件太多太散,从压缩包安装后占用空间到了4.1gb,服务器上储存寸土寸金,而且我不得不说,这是冷服务,就用亿两次 :P。要可以用LMZA2 压压 可以大幅削减占用空间。 如果代码实现比较困难的话,也许可以在readme中推荐下用NTFS自带的压缩?LZX算法虽然老,但我却实现了从4.1gb 到660mb的改变。有图有真相。 感谢您的超级腻害插件  !
I noticed this issue with F1xx F2xx command for quite sometimes now. That it won't work if there's a key on command. For example,  The F207 next to D-4...
It's a minor graphical glitch first notice on v0.6.3, still persists in current code base. This is from v0.6.3, untwek-ified win64 release, running at windowed mode , 1920x1080.  This...
I've mentioned it on discord, but there's so many interpolations of 'gone out of full screen', thought I might as well submit it formally. Here's a vid showing how to...