George Talusan

Results 11 comments of George Talusan

Hi @sandeepmistry, I'm using your arduino-nRF5 core.

@unCleanCode Sort of... I hard reset the core and go to sleep right away.

It's down to 0.33mA. ``` connected = false; ble.setEventHandler(BLEConnected, [=] (BLECentral &central) { connected = true; }); ble.setEventHandler(BLEDisconnected, [=] (BLECentral &central) { sd_nvic_SystemReset(); }); ``` and in the event loop,...

Nope, didn't get that far.. my IoT device (temp sensor) runs for weeks being polled twice an hour on a beefy 18650. I put a solar panel and TP4056 charge...

Hi @sandeepmistry, the ESP32 libraries have their own BLEPeripheral library.

Sure, here's the output at this gist..

I've added another gist here (hopefully a bit more concise) to illustrate offscreen popups not actually rendering offscreen: webContents.setWindowOpenHandler overrides the preload.js and forces offscreen=true. The preload.js will pop...