Grzegorz Szymaszek
Grzegorz Szymaszek
I have had translated most of the Wiki page, but still have to rethink some parts, like the light main and combined signals. This PR is far from ready to...
Possible fix: gscscnd/gallery-css@b4e22f62fef246595e6de174d1834472b5541467
@froschdesign, it seems that `DateTimeFormatter` returns a string, while I would like to receive `DateTimeInterface`.
> * string to `DateTime` > * string to `DateTimeImmutable` Actually I don’t check if a `string` was provided, just pass it to `DateTime`/`DateTimeImmutable` constructor. > * `DateTime` to `DateTimeImmutable`...
We can throw an `InvalidArgumentException` if the user provides something other than `DateTimeInterface|string`. The user can provide a valid string that at the same time (ahem) is not a valid...
> No exceptions are allowed during the process of filtering. If the given value can not be handled by the filter, the value should be returned unfiltered. :ok:, will fix...
Well, I didn’t know about it. Thanks for the pointer!