
Results 16 comments of Gerjan

@rebelot your solution works perfectly for `find_files`, thanks a lot! It doesn't work yet with some other finders like `grep_string`, but it seems you are already aware of this. This...

@rebelot seems like that works perfectly, also for `live_grep` et al :) Thanks!

We ran into this issue with Rails 6.1 on production as well. Had to set I18n.locale explicitly for all requests, to prevent it from leaking over into other threads. See...

Ran into this as well, lrubataru's fix worked.

@abcinje could you take a look at this PR please? The current highlighting isn't that great, though the rest of the colours are superb!

This is very annoying indeed. Would love a fix!

Running into this as well unfortunately. My guess is that the newline behaviour operators are ignored when merging the values back (which makes sense), but the extra whitespacing at the...

Running into this as well: ``` - Haml-Lint version: 0.45.0 - Haml version: 5.2.2 - RuboCop version: 1.52.0 - Ruby version: 3.1.4 ```

> ``` > "jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim", > commit = '8820b99c', -- March 6th 2023, before submit issue > config = function() > require("chatgpt").setup({ > ... > ``` > > Temporary fix, setting...