Janmaruko Hōrensō
Janmaruko Hōrensō
Update the current bootstrap v3.3.7 to v4.0. Here the doc: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/getting-started/introduction/
When an header is created from the dropdown the cursor gone missing. When an header is created from shortcuts the cursor is before the _after_ number
For instance when a new heading in created using RAJE, it's needed to be converted into H1 in the same way used for a cgen element
Change the structure of a footnote from `a>sup>a` to `a>sup`. In sup will be stored all attributes normally saved in the nested a.
Triple click normally is used to select the entire line, but with chromium it select also the element where the text is (from where the element starts to where it...
This can be very tricky, because users can easily change the focus from code to pre and write in it. Also right and left arrows need to be managed.
A new mechnism is needed in order to know how an element must be converted while the document is rashed. Similar as the other that is used, the designed name...
This plugin needs two more things: 1. When a url is typed in the modal, raje has to download and write image locally 2. The button "choose image" to open...
Every time the article structure change in some way all references must be updated with new values. Moreover if a footnote is deleted (each in special sections or in text)...