Gulshan Singh

Results 164 comments of Gulshan Singh

Thanks, I'm glad you were able to reproduce it as I was about to give up debugging it on my own 😄 I've been reading some TRAMP code to try...

I just tested it, the patch works for me. I'm also fine with the NEWS mention, gsingh93 is fine. Thanks!

@gforcada any chance you could merge this? I have to disable auto-formatting in my editor while making code changes, as it's adding in a bunch of unrelated `black`/`isort` changes as...

Is there any way to get the output of the last command before uploading? Or would we have to save the output of the last command ourselves if we wanted...

If there are any Arch Linux specific issues that come up in the future, we can make a new issue for it.

@disconnect3d @lebr0nli can this be closed now? Or is there more work to be done on using heap commands without debug symbols?

I think this should be fixed, and if not I recommend using `libcdb.unstrip()` from pwntools or use [`pwninit` ]( to unstrip the libc. I've had issues with `glibc-all-in-one`.

Dup of

It seems like we're already making use of `memory_changed` and `register_changed`. @disconnect3d do we still want to add support for `events.clear_objfiles`?

Needs more info, closing.