ping @s-panferov
Ok, that's what I thought. I don't have experience with databases other than MySQL, will the SQL generated by deuterium be compatible with MySQL? What about other databases like SQLite?...
@s-panferov I added a mysql adapter in #11, take a look. Also, why do the predicates take values if the values aren't used when building the SQL statement?
Ok, I think I finally understand what's going on. I think a simple example like this should be added to the README: ``` extern crate deuterium; use deuterium::*; fn main()...
I can't give the URL because it's an internal company URL. I opened the dev console, switched to the network tab, went to, and it redirected with a 302...
I think I found the issue: So you'll never see a redirect with an `XMLHttpRequest`, only the status code after the redirect. Not sure what the proper workaround is.
Sure, take your time. I was in your shoes not too long ago.
For reference, here's the original shader: ``` #version 140 in vec3 v_coord; out vec4 color; void main() { if (abs(v_coord.z) == 0.25) { color = vec4(0., 1., 0., 1.); }...
To be clear, this happens at runtime when creating a `Program` and unwrapping the result.
Yup, that's how I'm doing it now: It's just inconvenient and unexpected behavior.