Jason Zhang
Jason Zhang
Fix Boundary overflow, with 'width 100% + padding"
 MacBook15 2018 Ventura 13.5.1 VSCode 1.18.1
Display Bar Values
### Details(细节) Emphasize that `try-catch` can only be used for `external` and `public` function. ### Motivation(动机) Beginners may think that try catch can only be used in external functions. ###...
### Details(细节) - `abi.encodeCall`: Syntactic sugar vesion of `abi.encodeWithSelector` and `abi.encodeWithSignature` The most commonly used method in projects is `abi.encodeCall`. Its advantage is that, compared to `abi.encodeWithSignature` and `abi.encodeWithSelector`, `abi.encodeCall`...