While the import process might take a little longer the processed import batch will most probably contain multiple tracks with the same band & album. Thus, you only need to...
@MightyCreak > I think albums should have another column for the year. A track could also have a year as well, in case of a compilation album for instance, but...
Does the files contain tags in different formats (i.e. idv3 idv2) and the undesired one is being read?
I can successfully import & play an example AAC file. Haven't looked into the tags though since I don't have any AAC files in my library.
Is there an AAC file you could share to allow me to test?
Looked at this again and the issue is with the file ending. The import code doesn't look for files with the m4a ending: Should be an easy fix if...
Thanks, I didn't actually know that you could use set image for statefulsets. Just need to figure out how to pass the image path & version (from previous tasks) into...
Issue remains with version 1.0.1, JSON converted swagger files work fine though.
We've recently set up an instance to collect feedback for the replacement of an internal central master data visualization platform. So far very happy with Fider which runs very fine...
Currently the only way is to remove & re-add the folders to have the metadata re-read again. Alternatively click **Reset the database** in the settings.