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Computer calculations made easy
Out> {{6,2,-2},{2,6,-2},{-2,-2,6}} In> ata24:=% Out> {{6,2,-2},{2,6,-2},{-2,-2,6}} In> EigenValues(%) Out> {4,4,10} In> e24:=% Out> {4,4,10} In> EigenVectors(ata24,e24) Out> {{k1==k1,k2==(4\*k1+2\*k3-6\*k1)/2,k3==k3},{k1==k1,k2==(4\*k1+2\*k3-6\*k1)/2,k3==k3},{k1== -k3,k2==(10\*k1+2\*k3-6\*k1)/2,k3==k3}} Verify([Local(a);a:={{6,2,-2},{2,6,-2},{-2,-2,6}};Length(Difference(EigenVectors(a,EigenValues(a)),{{1,0,1},{-1,1,0},{-1,-1,1}}))=0;],True)
Test with Verify(Length(a),Length(a)); For an unknown variable 'a' the expression Length(a) should evaluate to Length(a). After looking in the documentation, I realize it might have to do with native functions....
In> sf(a,x):=Sum(k,1,LLength(a),f(a[k].x)); Out> True In> sf(a,{z,y}) Out> Sum(k,1,LLength(a),f(a[k].x)) The list/vector {z,y} is missing in the final output. (Version 1.7.0)
Hello, everyone! How to pass command line arguments into Yacas script file? `yacas arg1 ... argN`
Following test show the problem. D({x,y} will be applied to node instead of 9*x^8. Verify(MapSingle({{node},D({x,y}) node},{9*x^8,0}),{D({x,y}) 9*x^8,D({x,y}) 0}); Verify(MapSingle(Lambda({{node},D({x,y}) node}),{9*x^8,0}),{D({x,y}) 9*x^8,D({x,y}) 0});
`N((10^(-11))^(1/1))` and `N((10^(-11))^(1/2))` both give "0" as result but should be ≠0. Also, `N((10^(-3))^(1/1))` gives "0.999e-3" but should be "1e-3".
(This issue is split from #294) In these cases, when converting from Yacas to OpenMath, it should be used the unary minus instead of binary minus. In> -Pi Out> -Pi...
This code produces an infinite interval, which is reported to have length 2. In> FromString("<OMOBJ><OMA><OMS cd=\\"interval1\\" name=\\"integer_interval\\"/><OMI>50</OMI><OMS cd=\\"nums1\\" name=\\"infinity\\"/></OMA></OMOBJ> ")OMRead() Out> 50..Infinity In> Length(%) Out> 2 If the extremes of...
I am trying to solve a system of equations, and I get different solutions depending on whether 1 is on the RHS or -1 on the LHS. Here it is...
Pressing Ctrl-H or clicking Help/Current Symbol Help does nothing unless the text is selected