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Computer calculations made easy
Would like to see a feature added to Yacas GUI enabling one to clear the screen so we don't have to keep scrolling to experiment or enter new calculations.
Hi, I need to solve `xQ = 0` where `x = (x1, x2, 1-x1-x2)`. I use R package `Ryacas`. original Q matrix: ``` > Q [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] -0.5982703...
Why does this not work: ```[console] In> Integrate(x) 1/(x^2+a^2) CommandLine(1) : "Gcd: argument is not an exact number" Out> False ``` Do I need to declare `a`? Derivation for such...
This is more of a question than an issue really. I tried to look at the Google group, but there seems to be a lack of activity there so I...
I have recently added `yacas` to the `tldr` database. See https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/pull/6263. In the course of researching the `yacas` command-line parameters and switches, I failed to find any command line documentation...
I have installed Yacas 1.9.2 on a Ubuntu Mate system 20.04 via `sudo apt-get install yacas-kernel` after adding the ppa from the [download site](http://www.yacas.org/getting_started/downloads/) and updating. I don't get the...
I compiled yacas 1.9.1 from source on macOS, as there was no binary for the latest version. If I evaluate Graph() in the GUI version, the program crashes immediately. I...
This is incorrect for complex numbers: ``` In> (Abs(x))^2 Out> x^2 In> (Abs(3+4*I))^2 Out> 25 In> (3+4*I)^2 Out> Complex(-7,24) ```
Were you starting the yacas project tomorrow, with the benefit of all you have found out from having actually done the work, how would the project differ? What design modifications...
I get a (false,i^i) when trying to solve e^(i * pi) + 1 = 0 using OldSolve to get steps to a solution I know exists of i^i = e^(pi/2)...