Nikolay Grozdanov
Nikolay Grozdanov
There is a need to have an option for opening external application from within MagicScript Components app. Something like: `"external_app_schema").` - [ ] Lumin - [ ] iOS - [...
In order to simplify the UI declaration by avoiding multiple if/else or switch blocks the property value should accept (and ignore) value of `undefined`. There is a risk of silently...
Some components use property `size` of type `vec2` which is array of two elements ([width, height]) and other use properties as `width` and `height`. This is inconsistent and needs to...
All the attributes defining the UI presentation of the UI element need to be extracted in a CSS.
Add unit tests for each supported tag (UI element)
While generating MagicScript Components project for iOS platform, the CLI printed the following message: `/android/app/src/main/java/com/mxs/cube BUNDLE **INDENTIFIER** CHANGED` instead of: `/android/app/src/main/java/com/mxs/cube BUNDLE **IDENTIFIER** CHANGED` Tested on ver. 2.3.6
`magic-script-components-lumin` `Scene` component supports: - onAppStart(initData), where: ``` initData = { uri: , // Deep linking URI value isInternetConnected: , // there is an internet connection isWiFiConnected: , // WiFi...