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HPE Design System
The existing[ page layouts figma templates file](https://www.figma.com/file/4rdBkUlHd5MCVq3hvUOXHd/Page-Layouts?type=design&node-id=190%3A3718&mode=design&t=Efw10JnPdGFPXs2I-1) has a number of issues that make it less than ideal for a product to designer to copy & paste as a starting...
Existing design system page links to a defunct file in the working folder. Links below https://design-system.hpe.design/templates/filtering https://www.figma.com/file/EA0OZFdocKVcQ55c7Jainb/HPE-Filter-Templates?type=design&node-id=1%3A3738&mode=design&t=ONmiHaT9dqOux3hO-1 - [ ] Connect with relevant designer & devs to see where this...
The [current figma menu component](https://www.figma.com/file/5uOrsL2qk8XwwH8C1ZpDb6/HPE-Design-System-Components?type=design&node-id=6062-109930&mode=design) is bult with a custom button to trigger the menu open. - This should be consuming the button component - Investigate how the hovered button...
### Overview There are currently gaps between design patterns available in grommet, and those inside the design system library. Data visualisation is such a case and we aim to build,...
### Overview: We propose the creation of a new design system component in Figma called "Selector." This component aims to streamline the process of making single and multiple selections, providing...
[Mapped to 2024 Q2 Objective 2 ](https://hpe.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/teams/hpe-design/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B578BCD68-03C8-4054-88BC-B24EADABBE7A%7D&file=HPExs%20Goals%20Jan%202024%20-%20DS.pptx&action=edit&mobileredirect=true) Crate a design flow that allows a user to customise, name, save & edit a custom view within the data collection toolbar. Problem...
Provided updated guidance for the enhanced pagination component. Branch with latest design: https://www.figma.com/file/tlRprPDp1yY1AaSOhoiiSH/%233651---Pagination-component?type=design&node-id=26125-326&mode=design Anatomy to form basis of documentation: https://www.figma.com/file/nxI308Yvt4HKJ1rjgrEXCk/%233651---Pagination-Component?type=design&node-id=6-385&mode=design&t=eHf2uaQ7Zaxkz38m-4 Imported design system site page to figma to mock up...
ToggleButton - Review toggle button group template - Additional use cases & candidate for component.
Based on feedback from template library. Should the toggle button group be open to use cases outside of the data collection toolbar. - [x] Examine other potential use-cases in platform...
Scope what content should be communicated, the ways to do so, the tools to use and the time manner for each stakeholder quadrant.