Romain Bazile

Results 52 issues of Romain Bazile

Cleanup the logs by removing everything inside `/var/log/` wreaks havoc for some programs that expect the files to be there. Two are of note: Apache and Mosquitto. They both fail...

When PiShrink removes the hosts keys from the image, the said keys are not regenerated on the following first boot. The ssh service will then not be available, since there...

It would be nice to have a flag that would remove the configuration from `wpa_supplicant.conf` and maybe from `.ssh/authorized_keys`. Just a thought! Thanks for your work, it's really appreciated here!

It would be nice to have in place replacement of converted files, i.e. when converting `song1.flac` to `song1.mp3`, remove `song1.flac`. Right now, someone has to come behind and cleanup eveything,...

@RocketChat/core Closes #918 Support full Markdown specification Also solves: #7240: Special characters escape with \ (\_ \` etc...) #6719 #6586: Markdown link with & sign is broken #5218: Italicizing links...

stat: conflict

Docker image is 4 years old, please update it to the latest version! This would solve a lot of issues people are having with incompatible Python versions.

Android 6.0.5, locale set to French, please see the following screenshot: ![Screenshot_20220804-194735]( Looks like a placeholder is not properly filled. Are the mobile app on Crowdin too for translation? (I...

**Describe the bug** When running the `./docker-compose/` from the [documentation](, there is an error popping up related to the pestphp plugin being blocked by composer. Full text of the error:...

Hi, A little request for improvement. Rsync supports displaying progress (with the flag `--progress`). It would be nice to include a flag to add this to the command. I think...

Hi! I love your app, any plans or interests for a Linux version?