Åke Hedman
Åke Hedman
Latest code don't compile on windows with vs 2015. Complain about random() not available in the # if NS_DISABLE_WS_RANDOM_MASK return 0xefbeadde; /\* generated with a random number generator, I swear...
It appears that localhost like in localhost:8080 is not resolved on windows but works on Linux.
Is there a way to use environment variables in commands?
Conversion appears to be wrong {"vscpHead":32864,"vscpClass":15,"vscpType":6,"vscpGuid":"FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FE:5C:CF:7F:07:76:03:00:00","vscpObId":7,"vscpTimeStamp":8744000,"vscpDateTime":"2021-09-02T13:13:22.000Z","vscpData":[85,45,56,54],"measurement":{"value":null,"unit":0,"sensorindex":0,"index":0,"zone":0,"subzone":0}}
Any plan for an openssl 3.0 update?
Any planned support for RC5?
Hi Ake, Just a small note that I think I found a bug in the paris & beijing original firmware v1.1.5 (& potentially all derived types) on the "who's there"...
Error return events proposed by Andreas should be implemented in the firmware code.