I upgraded to FF57 and now i do not see the option at all.
1. Describe a problem. Once the document is edited and saved need to export / download it as PDF or other format. 2. Describe the solution you'd like. Mockups are...
I have setup a mongo cluster on mongo cloud (ATLAS) . ``` application:ensure_all_started (mongodb). Seed = { rs, , [ "", "", ""] }. TopologyOptions=[{name, },{register, xx_pool},{pool_size, 1},{ssl, true},{max_overflow, 10}]....
It will be great to have a URI based connection option.
We are using go and wanted to have similar go client ? Not sure where to open the issue so just putting it here for visibility and right direction please...
``` export ``` s3ls znslrscpjlmujcxe:prefix/ Ignoring ffi-1.9.10 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine ffi --version 1.9.10 Ignoring unf_ext- because its extensions are not built. Try: gem...
### What is this PR for? A few sentences describing the overall goals of the pull request's commits. K8S labels has specific requirement to name labels which can be found...
Can we have a hook/mechanism on cache entry removal. ? Eg . After timeout the entry is removed directly can we get mechanism of flushing the entry to DB /...
Can we please add functionality to get last element from queue() Thanks Jeet
When i am giving domain list * its saying it looks for * bucket.. ? And not able to create a wild card cert.