Joseph Estefane

Results 41 comments of Joseph Estefane

Seems that feature [was removed]( and README is still outdated 😭 Any updates on what's next to reinstate it? How can we help?

I've been flattening my parameters. ``` function flattenObjectParameters (obj, prefix = '') { return Object.keys(obj).reduce((params, key) => { const pre = prefix.length ? prefix + '.' : '' if (typeof...

Can confirm that this issue also occurs when running the demo: Running the demo locally with the Firebase emulators produces the same errors. > If you do the additional...

I'm having the same issue. I'm using the (current) latest stable versions: - dj-rest-auth: v2.2.3 - django-allauth: v0.47.0 Although I wasn't able to use the `PUT /dj-rest-auth/user` endpoint (passing `username`,...

Thank you for reporting this; we're working on it! We should have a new major release soon just for MySQL 8 and SRID support. Meanwhile you might want to take...

Unfortunately, ST_BUFFER(g, d) is not currently implemented. I can probably add it later; sorry I'm a little busy these days. You could add a scope in your Model. Similarly to...

What version of MySQL are you using? `axis-order` was added in MySQL 8. Also, note that the query reported in the error is different than the one you tested (notice...

@slave2anubis , also same version of MariaDB? I wish this version was mentioned in I'd love to add better MariaDB compatibility. Did you have any issues with the migrations?...

@mwargan , for MySQL 5.7, please use v2.x.x of `grimzy/laravel-mysql-spatial`.

For now I recommend MariaDB users to also stick to `v2.x.x` of this package.