Bulat Nasrulin
Bulat Nasrulin
> Set Reconciliation is a step towards the complexity of Dispersy with Bloom filter, something we which to avoid. For a lot of use-cases (e.g. channels) you can assume there...
## Iteration progress and plans for the next sprint: ### Repository [Noodle](https://github.com/grimadas/noodle) is moving to separate repository to easier management. For now it under it is under [my personal GitHub](https://github.com/grimadas/noodle),...
Well I agree that is really hard to match Bittorrent can be used as multi-sourced FTP service, but BiTorrent is much more than that, than it raises a question why...
A paper under work now, working title: "Universal Accounting of Goodness". ### Why accounting? Insights from accounting theory The main reason for accounting and unified rules is to address **uncertainty**...
### Requirements for sustainable cooperation 1.**Maintenance of cooperation**: - Most of the peers should have good reputation - System should be able to withstand small fraction of freeriders 2. **Efficient...
Main application focus of BAMI is contribution accounting to sustain cooperation. The requirements were given above. With main one if the identification of bad peers (Byzantine cheaters and freeloaders). I...
After hard thinking and planning, I decided to follow the most straightforward yet powerful approach there is: - **We will not use BAMI in Tribler**. Bami will live under a...
> wow! Thank you for your Tribler-centric/lab-centric thinking. So with barebones accounting, latency diversity, peer ranking, competitive upload spots we get spam flooding protection and Sybil-resilience? We need more? Yes,...
Comments regarding the tag-based organisation and why need this in the first place: ## Why tag-centric organisation? - A more natural way to organize people not around channel but around...
Today we did some initial brainstorming, which we continue next week. The thesis addresses one of somewhat overlooked problem in Web3: **Attack-resilient Search**. The idea is to propose a model...