Bulat Nasrulin
Bulat Nasrulin
Some of the relevant work: - [Middleware for Gossip](https://www.usenix.org/event/iptps10/tech/full_papers/Chow.pdf) - [Trust enabling middleware](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265424248_The_Trust-Enabling_Middleware_Introduction_and_Application)
Anonymous downloads are now at least 5.5 MBytes per second. Historical milestone. Our Tor-level privacy is no longer CPU bound. We need to incentives people's willingness to contribute. 
## Noodle Protocol and Related Work: We are building an optimistic P2P for enabling decentralised applications that values _scalability_ and _decentralisation_ the most. Being optimistic we need to handle occasional...
> > We can also select peers based on the capacity(declared bandwidth, or declared collateral balance for being a money router). > > There should be no need to depend...
There is a bunch of related work on accountability and reliable and scalable gossip/multicast. One of the key components to that is the _Verifiable Neighborhood_, which assigns a random members...
> > This set and signatures from the peers is enough to prove to anyone that you have a certain peer set. > > I would reword this, to say...
> I think we need a stricter definition of what a sybil identity is then. It is pointless to argue which measure we use for sybil identities, if we do...
For the next iteration we will focus on hardening the guarantees, giving a quantitative bounds on finality. **Goals** The main goal is build an _accounting_ system which is simple yet...