Sergey Petushkov

Results 20 comments of Sergey Petushkov

Hmm, this wasn't failing for me locally, but I'm on macos and it seems to be passing there in CI too. I'll spin up a vm and will try to...

@aduh95 very sorry for the delay on this, struggling to find free time to finish it up. I think I'll be able to make it in time, and thanks for...

@richardlau @aduh95 @joyeecheung I couldn't reproduce even after setting up a similar rhel machine, so just followed @joyeecheung suggestion (ty!) and bumped the memory limits. Can you please trigger the...

Hmmm... we [have a test case]( for `it.only` and I [just added one]( for `it.skip` and both are passing on jest with `jasmine2` and with `circus` runner. It might be...

Hey @sapfear! First of all, thanks for the contribution! Can you explain what is the "vector mode" and why it's important to have this specific namespace for it to work?...

Seems like routePanel control is an exception in YMaps API where the state needs to be set on an [instance of routePanel]( attached to the control and not the control...

@zalishchuk привет! Добавлю, но сначала надо сделать небольшой рефакторинг, который упростит эту фичу и многие другие, которые хочется добавить

Скорее всего нет

@mmarkelov привет! Спасибо за предложение, я все еще хочу сделать несколько других больших изменений для проекта перед тем, как добавлю `Route` компонент. Ваше выглядит неплохо, если интересно, в этом репозитории...

Please provide a reproduction example, I can't reproduce the issue with provided info: [![Edit nice-mendel-qz3l6](](