Georgia Monahan
Georgia Monahan
Going to see if the callstack will take this one
[asked here](
Thanks for the patience @pac-guerreiro, assigning now!
> What's the password for the user [email protected] @pac-guerreiro you don't need access to this account (we don't give out expensifail passwords), but you should be able to test the...
I think I have an idea as to what's causing this, looking into it now
I think the bug is on this line we now use accountIDs not emails to calculate the avatar in newdot
I should be able to fix this next week so I'm leaving daily, but this is more weekly-level priority
### Changes Needed if the transaction is non-reimbursable ([transaction.reimbursable]( = false) then the report header should be `%amount% for %merchant%` (transaction.amount and transaction.merchant)
Thank you @muttmuure @fedirjh! Assigned @neonbhai