Greg Combs

Results 16 comments of Greg Combs

Same results here. I use it for an iOS 7 app, but modern apps won't need it anymore thankfully.

Oh crap. That is something no one (to my knowledge) has tried yet untl now. The way I've set it up will fully fly smack into the face of the...

Some better more clear instructions fbuilding and installation on a Mac would be very welcome. The makefile doesn’t include the obvious choiolike make build make install And autoconf is strangely...

For a while I was transporting very large geographic polygons via base64 preprocessing in MySQL to RestKit and then unpacking the MKPolygons for deployment on the iOS device. This worked...

If JSONKit receives a JSON body as a string, wouldn't storing numbers as NSDecimalNumber effectively eliminate the floating-point parsing complexity you note in the readme? (NSDecimal numbers can be initialized...

Yep, that was my comment ;-) Looking a little deeper into it, I've found one Core Graphics gradient that looks ok for metal knobs, but to do it _right_ we...

Here's the discussion about the gradient on stackoverflow, with code from Rob Napier.

Don't know if it would do any better as a kernel filter in Core Image, but I'll see if I can get it working as a proof at some point....

+1 for behavior like stock split view.

Yes. Definitely. Actually, I'd like it to launch in whatever orientation the user has the device, just like the original.