Dan Tello
Dan Tello
Other packages like Jest expect this file to exist if you're using babel. This would make sharing babel settings easier.
Lets provide a sprite helper for use with the [`svgSprite`](https://github.com/vigetlabs/blendid#svgsprite) task for Craft, like we do for Rails and the default Nunjucks init tasks. Should be pretty similar to https://github.com/vigetlabs/blendid/blob/master/src/html/macros/helpers.html#L1-L6...
Like the fonts task, allow configuration to do simple asset file copying from src to dest + hash files in production ( if enabled). Example: audio, video, etc. directories/files Different...
https://www.npmjs.com/package/rev-replace-loader for hashing asset file names in webpack js output. Might be part of fixing https://github.com/vigetlabs/blendid/issues/356
As a stand-alone task that can be run manually (as opposed to slowing down the build by running continuously through webpack). Needs to remain configurable.
I'd be great to have an API to take snapshots of *just* styles or specific rules. The API would be basically the same as `toHaveStyleRule`, but would do snapshot generation/matching...
### Summary JAWS does not announce `aria-describedby` or `aria-required` when `contenteditable="true"` when the container has content. **Works with an empty element (label, description, and required are read):** ```html My Label...
This issue was originally reported here https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom/issues/500, but it was noted that the underlying issue is [here in the computeAccessibleDescription method](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom/blob/main/src/to-have-accessible-description.js#L9). - `@testing-library/jest-dom`: "5.16.5" - `@testing-library/react`: "13.4.0" - `node` version:...
Values serialize into arrays just fine when they're not nested, but when they are, only the last value is used and serializes as a string: ``` html ``` Expected Output:...