M. Greyson Christoforo

Results 89 comments of M. Greyson Christoforo

That's correct. Draw a cylinder in OpenSCAD and give the workflow described in OP a try and see for yourself how easy it is to get a proper solid model...

> That wouldn't work for me because... It's okay that STEP export is not something you'd need in your 3D printing workflow. Nobody is proposing OpenSCAD changes its geometry kernel....

Using OP's workflow on that example, it looks to me like everything works as everyone should expect it to. We expect a `$fn =6` cylinder to be a hexagonal prism,...

And now for completeness, when we want to draw an actual sold cylinder with no triangle approximations we just leave out `$fn = 6;` cyl.scad ``` cylinder(h=1,d=5); ``` cyl.csg ```...

This is definitely still an issue. My workaround has been to put what I wish to publish in to a `multiprocessing.Queqe()` and publish it from outside the process.

That seems to be some google cloud platform related thing. I'm asking about domains managed via domains.google.com

This is mostly untested, but seems to work: ``` import sys import serial class HWURL(object): class Serial(serial.Serial): @serial.Serial.port.setter def port(self, value): """translate port name before storing it""" if isinstance(value, str)...

Even better would be a change that turns `eachpoint()` into a thin wrapper around `each()` with only the logic for converting the objects to points.

I've built and tested on aarch64. Raspberry pi, not mac though. This doesn't seem to be native code on the mac though. I see `X86-64 (Translated)` above. I have no...

The above is a contrived example specifically to illustrate the bug, not to achieve any final geometry that I want. @lorenzncode, are you aware of any usage of `eachpoint(...,useLocalCoordinates=False)` in...