Serhii Potapov

Results 76 comments of Serhii Potapov

Thanks. The models are frozen with `deep_freeze` from `ice_nine` gem.

Looks strange. At the point when CreateBlogoTaggings is being applied there is not `posts` table, and it should be used withing that migration. Can you ensure, that you haven't updated...

Take a look at the migrations: Sorry, my bad.. Taggings are created at last. When `tags` and `posts` are created. Looks like you skipped `CreatePosts` migration. Make sure, that...

Looks like problem is hidden here: Can you do `rails console` and type: ``` ruby Blogo.table_name_prefix Blogo::Post.table_name ``` What output do you get?

Yes, it's possible, you can redefine existing templates in you app

Hi! Currently definetly no, if you want it to be 2 different blogs. It would require some changes in the database schema. Would you like to have to different set...

Short answer currently: currenty no. What you can do by now is not to remove `public/system` directory after deploy. To achive this if use Capistrano make sure you have something...

Yes, currently can use your own styles. But I got your point, it would be great to have default layout responsive as well. Thanks for the report!