Update process failed for my installation. After googling around about GNU Patch I have found you can set different p numbers. I tried to set different p numbers in [update.php](
How about tracking time spent in terminal?
After running for more than 5 days on a very large website, linkchecker exited without error. I found this message in the kernel log ``` monitor kernel: [463505.201638] linkchecker[3894]: segfault...
The problem is what I get from running any wo command. Se bellow wo info. This occured after upgrading to latest version witn sudo wo update There were no errors...
CodeIgniter version: 4.5.1 Package version: 1.1.1 Vite is not loaded it the route is defined as `$routes->get('/', 'FrontPage::display');` Vite should be loaded on all but the excluded routes. The bug...