Alex Piechowski

Results 29 comments of Alex Piechowski

As far as I can tell, default values are still not transferred to psql For our migration, I think I'll write a bulk default migration within my rails app

Next time I see this I'll grab the whole stack trace.

> keep in mind on how this would look coming from an HTML form. How do the params get built and passed over to this? @jwoertink anything that is manual...

Nice to haves: - [ ] Throw a clean error when UK does not exist

> This might be a one-time job (switching database engines) or it might be a daily job (ingesting some CSV from an LMS, etc). Or inside the req cycle, like... needs to be merged/released or monkeypatched into avram before this is viable /cc @robcole

I side towards 3. I really do feel the proper name for this is in a `SaveOperation.upsert(Array)` and this would allow us to vet out real life uses as time...

One thing that may/may not be needed in crystal that is nice in Ruby is the ability to pass hashes instead of objects, since instantiating objects is a performance hole...

I think Lucky should reflect on the query builder, and if there are joins automatically wrap this in a subquery