Any hint on the map problem? It's a real show-stopper...
Resolved: Change the function: ``` public function getBaseID($x, $y){ return ((WORLD_MAX - $y) * (WORLD_MAX * 2 + 1)) + (WORLD_MAX + $x + 1); } ``` in the file...
Running fine on PHP 7.4.3
The weasyprint version can be downgraded by the following command: `sudo pip3 install weasyprint==52.5` django-weasyprint complains that dependencies are not met, because weasyprint >= 53.0 are required but reporting works...
Actually a Mozilla operated password manager is the thing this should be developed to. I would even pay a montly fee if the features are equivalent to common password managers...
Start experimenting on native usage of it (docker-less). Not what I want but...