Hi Michael, I have to apologize - I think I was confusing here. Moreover, for now my goal is more to start a discussion about the feasibility and the meaningfulness...
Update: I have implemented the same procedure for RECOM_POPULAR. Moreover, I made some improvements, and the runtime penalty has halved since. So it is now between 2-3 times slower than...
The main motivation behind my approach to loop over users and still use `returnRatings()` was to be as little intrusive as possible, and to ensure consistency of the output arguments...
Hi Michael, thank you for all the updates! I also have two more comments: - The solution using c() on a user level is indeed not optimal for two reasons:...
Hi, thanks for the new version of `removeKnownRatings()`, it works very nicely. Meanwhile, I have adapted also HybridRecommender to not overuse memory when creating top-*N* lists. Here, the problem is...
Have you verified that both your Casadi and Matlab executables are compatible in terms of the architecture they have been build for (intel vs. arm)? Matlab provides stable arm-binaries starting...
You need the other one
Glad it helped. @aherremans: If it works for you now, please consider closing the issue.
+1 for tinusd's suggestion to supply matrices A and Q. This is the way some other Matlab interfaces to constrained optimization solvers work (e.g., fmincon, Artelys' own KNITRO/Matlab interface), and...
Hi I also tried to use sensitivities to "transform" an equality-constrained problem into an unconstrained one, because although its Jacobian is sparse, its Hessian isn't, yielding an enormous overhead in...