Gregor Dick
Gregor Dick
Yes, please! The current implementation is extremely fragile, so I would suggest making very small, incremental changes. You might also be interested in the work on the `calcalc` branch that...
I haven't had time to work on it recently, but it hasn't been abandoned. The present difficulty is that it requires a change to the data-file format. I started doing...
`master` would be better. `calcalc` doesn't really touch the presentation logic (such as it is!), so I would expect minimal merge pain.
Thank you: that would be very welcome. If you're still interested (sorry for my delay...) I can document the required transformation. The essence of the change is that separate offices...
This is certainly possible, and is very desirable, but would require a non-trivial amount of supporting machinery.
Splitting multiple offices occurring on the same day into separate files, thus allowing them to be transferred separately, is the approach that I've taken for #443. This could be applied...
This will be possible in principle once the `calcalc` branch has been merged. It allows support for multiple calendars that inherit from and modify one another. Most of the work...
Help would certainly be welcome! Not all of the work requires coding, either: for example, one significant outstanding task is to convert all of the vernacular files to use the...
> Ok, so this concerns all the files which now contain Saint names in the filename, like That is correct. > In this case, does it suffice to move...
Yes, please do. I would suggest creating a hierarchy of subdirectories inside `Sancti` for country (and diocese where applicable), in the nomimative and genitive respectively, and including the name of...