Grégoire Paris

Results 254 comments of Grégoire Paris

Today, I found that using a type alias to replace occurrences of `array|array` with `ArrayOfTypes` results in phpcs erroring out with `@param annotation of method \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder::setParameters() does not specify type...

I reported the bug here FTR:, hopefully it's fixable. If not, we might consider disabling it on a per-project basis.

> This is not included in PSR-12. Then how does it make `PSR2.ControlStructures.ControlStructureSpacing.SpacingAfterOpenBrace` unnecessary?

@carusogabriel , you introduced that line, can you maybe chime in?

> This rules is intent to throw a warning and not an error. Are you saying that the intent is wrong? If yes, why not report that upstream instead?

Not sure about the target branch… is this really a bugfix?

I think it can make sense to have _interfaces_ named like the package that have the suffix, while still forbidding for concrete classes. Not 100% sure if that sniff also...

Note that implementing that interface results in calls to `connect()` when calling `getDatabasePlatform` even if the underlying driver is not versionaware (like sqlite).

Closing as per

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