The shell command-line for `vim` has the `-u` option that lets us substitute any resource file for the default one.
I assume that my comment in issue #143 is, at least part of, what Nils was thinking.
JiffyDOS's copy-files feature is like a copy program: We can load a directory into memory, list it, cursor up to the file-names that we want to copy, mark them, then...
That, also, is what JiffyDOS's copy function needs. It cannot copy files from a drive to another drive in the same unit; it needs two different device numbers.
It's BASIC 4's advanced disk statements. Their number arguments must have initial tag letters that say what those arguments mean. `d` means "Drive number"; and, `u` means "Unit number".
> Instead of sending out Xon, it does Xoff again. No, don't do that! Send XOFF _only once_. Then, remain dead silent, indefinitely. Doing it that way will avoid the...
I had forgotten about that issue. Thanks for noticing their activity, and mentioning it here.