Gregor Elke
Gregor Elke
you could implement your own scan. just copy the code of scan and make the call to the reducer function async.
i'm not sure about async/sync. it would be nice to have async versions of map, reduce etc. but with async-versions of the methods or make them handle both under the...
there is a discussion about modulariation of the lib, but it's kind of on hold. The idea here is to set up highland as a plugin system to make it...
the problem is not the selector, but the expected api. highland expects an EventEmitter with .on() method. you could make it work without jQuery by shiming this method: ``` javascript...
highland has also a simple api. it's just so, that a specific event source api is expected. i guess the stream constructor could check for presence of addEventListener itself. it's...
i don’t know, @caolan should. but since highland doesn’t even support addEventListener yet… :) Am 23.10.2014 um 03:44 schrieb David Chase [email protected]: > Sure, do we need to support older...
well, it's a bit tricky, i think. First the errors-handler just have two options really: either it just logs and does nothing else with the values in the stream or...
which part of the core API do you miss on the Highland stream? Or better, why do you need it really? :)
@mpj i understand that. my question though targets to the fact, that all highland streams support some of core api already, most importantly the pipe protocol. though there is no...
this is also a way, sure, but it's then just a node.js stream. After reading @mpj's last post again, i have to say, that the comparison with jQuery isn't that...