Daniel Gredler
Daniel Gredler
I have a JAX-RS endpoint similar to the following which is triggering a CRLF_INJECTION_LOGS warning: ```java @POST @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) @Produces("application/json; qs=0.9") public Foo foo( @FormDataParam("file") InputStream file, @HeaderParam("Content-Length") Long length) throws...
The JavaDoc for `StreamingCell.getDateCellValue()` states that it can throw an `IllegalStateException`, but I don't think this is actually possible. https://github.com/monitorjbl/excel-streaming-reader/blob/master/src/main/java/com/monitorjbl/xlsx/impl/StreamingCell.java#L177
It might be nice if there were a way to have Okapi automatically slice-and-dice data into multiple structured append (Macro PDF417) symbols.
I'm experimenting with a full-JavaScript stack for a project, and was thinking about using JavaScript for my build script after reading [1]. I followed the Narwhal installation instructions, but when...
### Expected Behavior One important foundation of the open source ecosystem is trust. Trust that the code does what it says on the tin, and trust that the project developers...
Logback was dual-licensed as EPL-1.0 and LGPL-2.1 back in 2009. In 2017 the Eclipse Foundation published EPL-2.0 and deprecated the EPL-1.0 license. The EPL-2.0 license is supposed to be a...
The changes in #610 assume that the font has a "glyf" table, which OTF fonts do not. ``` gftools builder sources/config.yaml [...] [42/60] fix FAILED: ../fonts/otf/MyFont-ExtraBold.otf /home/user/myfont/.venv/bin/python3 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-fix-font...
The EPL and LGPL require that the license file be provided to users when the libraries (or their source code) is redistributed. Most open source projects include these files in...