Results 33 comments of GRAY GHOST

Yeah totally understand about that time and priority stuff. I'll give a go when I have some more time on my end.

The problem I'm seeing with this naming convention is that 'header' and 'footer' don't actually coincide with their placement. Global seems to be a more appropriate term because 'footer' doesn't...

@davatron5000 "My current thinking is that maybe a CSS & JS field is worth pursuing. Sorta CSS & JS panels. -_ZOMG! YES!!!!! Love the idea of a CSS box...

@davatron5000 Code below works with AMD and without. Zepto still needs to be added. ``` javascript !function(root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], factory); }...

> Would you be interested in receive translations? If you're asking “Am I interested in translating this for other languages” then yes, yes I would be. > I believe we...

I'm not partial so whatever you think is best and can work within the flow here then whatever you decide on is fine by me :) I would make yourself...

@diagramatics I personally don't care to maintain multiple languages so anything that's easy for me to maintain will be my choice, otherwise I'd rather see other forks to translate as...

Is this issue really needed anymore? I'd like to close it as it seems not really interesting to anyone to finish let alone begin working on.

I solved this issue using `connect-modrewrite`, but it would still be nice to have this ability baked into `gulp-connect`. Current solution… ```javascript middleware: function(connect) { return [ connect().use(connect.query()), connectRewrite([ '^.([^\\.]+)$...

Ditto! This has been an issue for about 6 months or so. ![screen shot 2013-07-16 at 2 18 42 pm](