**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When there is a retry runner the report generated by the plugin contains duplicate lines for the same scenarios which...
Can the bars in features, tags, steps summary pages be made clickable so the link opens to the details page directly. So it goes from pages/tag-summary.html to pages/tag-scenarios/tag_TagOver.html when the...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The hook type (before, beforestep .... etc) is not available in the ndjson message. Need it in the reports to...
Exception stack for json formatter in java 17 FAILED CONFIGURATION: @AfterClass tearDownClass Failed making field ‘java.lang.Throwable#detailMessage’ accessible; either change its visibility or write a custom TypeAdapter for its declaring...
`extent.createTest("Child Test generate log missing").generateLog(Status.INFO, "Parent Generated Log").log(Status.INFO, "Parent Normal Log").createNode("child").generateLog(Status.INFO, "Child Generated Log").log(Status.INFO, "Child Normal Log");`  The generated log for the child node is missing.
This is related to where the time zone is not handled correctly. 
`extent.createTest("Details and Exception and Media Logs").log(Status.PASS, "Details and Exception and Media", ex, MediaEntityBuilder.createScreenCaptureFromPath("logo.png").build());` **There is no 'details' displayed in the log.**  The functions with the combination of 'details and...
Functionality to add an internal table to a cell. Similar to the code here -
The getHeight() method which is used in the drawer to calculate row fitment and repeat header height returns false values if there is a row span involved. The current getHeight()...
Thanks for this artifact. I kind of had an issue with displaying headers across pages when the space available for the table in the first page is less than the...