
Results 5 comments of grasebit

DockerDesktop > Preferences > General > Use Docker Compose V2 OFF the check box.

In my case, DockerDesktop 4.5.0 + Use Docker Compose V2 OFF it work. DockerDesktop 4.5.0 + Use Docker Compose V2 ON it work. DockerDesktop 4.8.1 + Use Docker Compose V2...

fixed in Docker Desktop 4.8.2

worked v4.9.1 I think it's okay to close it.

env() function returns the value if the key exists. ``` // config/debugbar.php 'remote_sites_path' => env('DEBUGBAR_REMOTE_SITES_PATH') // remote_sites_path is null // src/LaravelDebugbar.php $foo = $this->app['config']->get('debugbar.remote_sites_path', ''); // $foo is null $bar...