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GraphQL Documentation at

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## Description This adds a link to This follows the pattern used on project sites such as []( and []( where a `DEV Community` link to the appropriate site...

The following questions are some ideas of what questions could be added to the FAQ page based on feedback we've received on the page so far. 🙋🏼 If anyone wants...

📌 Help wanted

See: covers Queries and Mutations but not Subscriptions. Great task for someone who wants to contribute to the GraphQL community!

💄 Enhancement
📌 Help wanted
✏️ Editorial

Fix: #955 - I have made the navbar responsive by adding toggle button functionality for smaller screen size. I have also updated the search input style sheet, so that it...

🐛 Bug
🎨 Design ### Description I cant find any information about how to craft an update; how does graphql identify what the target(s) of the update are? The example code is just...

I was looking into how to add a "Create User" mutation to my graphql-js server. It took me a while to end up at the right code, so just documenting...

✏️ Editorial
💬 Feedback

we should build a new mini-IDE for the docs using `monaco-graphql`, since it's actually screen-reader accessible, supports multiple instances (with shared, single schema fetch) and it already supports most of...

💄 Enhancement

I'm in favor of setting up renovate or dependebot so we'll keep up to date with dev dependencies versions and won't fall behind like before.. @orta @ardatan @carolstran thoughts?

📦 Dependencies
💡 Idea

I think a [simple list of companies]( was useful in the early days but today GraphQL usage is so widespread (especially internally) that it doesn't add too much value anymore....

💡 Idea