Adam Granicz

Results 75 comments of Adam Granicz

I would also be curious about the current numbers - is there an up to date fork/project with those benchmarks?

Sure, go ahead, thanks!

I don't see why not, as long as you expose each entrypoint as an AF. It would have to be stateful, in order to avoid reloading all posts each time.

I was thinking of something similar. Most users will have a small number of categories, so a full page for just listing categories would look pretty empty. Currently, the categories...

I have verified this to be a bug indeed. Just some clarification, in case someone else is reading this ticket: `wsfscservice.exe` (aka the WebSharper Booster) manages different WebSharper runtimes (different...

Wow, unusual turn of events there - awesome to have this figured out, thanks!

You mentioned forking, so I assume you have source access to some or all of these external dependencies. If so, I'd just switch them all over to the latest WebSharper...

If those projects are already set up to create NuGet packages, I'd just make source dependencies, have them build their packages to a local folder, and use that as a...

Just to be clear: the versions on the actual NuGet packages don't matter, what matters is that they are compiled with the same WebSharper (same major.minor version, that is.) So...

Or a simpler idea: you might just get away with including the library projects via source (via git submodules) and use them as project dependencies in the main solution, bypassing...