Graham Bell
Graham Bell
FITS2NDF doesn't seem to correctly identify the SMURF extension, so converting reduced SCUBA-2 data to FITS and back (as the JSA does to generate co-adds) I see this kind of...
When cfitsio is built individually (bootstrap, configure, make and make install in thirdparty/heasarc/cfitsio) it doesn't install the versioned library When built from a complete build (bootstrap, configure -C, make...
ORAC-DR writes SCUBA-2 JSA tiles with history information: ``` prov-problem-in $ hislist s20140301_00007_850_healpix001244.sdf ... 2: 2014 Apr 29 00:08:40.682 - SETTITLE (KAPPA 2.1-12) Parameters: NDF=@s20140301_00007_850_fmos_1244 TITLE='CRL618' MSG_FILTER=! QUIET=! Software: /net/ipu/export/data/gbell/star/bin/kappa/ndfpack_mon...
The spatial filter seems to match positions which are not part of the specified region. In the following (very slow) test script, I test points over the whole sky using...