Alex Grad

Results 12 comments of Alex Grad

Same issue. Not working as expected. ```JavaScript ```

I also don't see `onDeactivation` handler for a `Container` instance and for a type binded in singleton scope. @remojansen why isn't it in the NPM package?

> #1319 - i don't think authors intend to push async changes until v6 @parisholley, the documentation in the master branch is misleading: and

I have the same issue I think. The WebView background is white. Even if I set it to transparent using CSS. Also I see a vibrancy for a split second...

@FabianLars, didn't know about it. Now it works. Thank you! P.S. I think it should be in the `window-vibrancy` documentation, or at least in the example for the Tauri.

@witalobenicio The SketchRunner is an open source project and you can compile it by yourself.

I also need it.

This issue can also be related to these issues: - -

> Shouldn't files in node_modules be pre-compiled to CSS before they are published? This is not my package, but I use it in one of the projects and it does...

I got the same error. Don't know is it the same bug or not, but I figured out the following: 1. Let's import some type from some npm package: ```ts...