Gabriel Gabor
Gabriel Gabor
Thank you for the details! I tried this demo with a nRF52832 + LSM9DS1, I was hoping to get stable data but unfortunately it still drifts.
Thanks for you're reply. I do move the sensor, it's not on a flat surface: A bit more context: the sensor is connected to a nrf52832 and the...
Hi, sorry for my late reply. I went through a lot of options and learned a lot. @kriswiner Thank you for the good advice. The magnetometer calibration is not an...
I'm using an identical version of the filter but with a different function definition `void MadgwickAHRSupdate(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az, float mx, float...
Maybe I understand this wrong. For accel it looks like Z is pointing up, hence the `(-1) * az`, the x is pointing north which fine, same for y. The...
This is what the datasheet looks like. By default, accel/gyro and mag are all pointing up, I'm adding `(-1) *` to all of them to comply with `NED`.
It looks like when I move on the `pitch` rotation, the `roll` doesn't stay fixed. Once I get close to 80-90 degrees, the `roll` grows quickly to 180 degrees. Thanks...
I tried `Madgwick(Ax, Ay, -Az, Gx, Gy, -Gz, -Mx, My, -Mz)` and unfortunately it's still flipping. I'm replacing the Madgwick function now with exactly the one from this repo, I'll...
Just copy pasted your algorithm and it still flips. Here is the call: ``` #define FROM_DEGREE_TO_RAD 0.0174533f MadgwickQuaternionUpdate( calcAccel(ax), calcAccel(ay), calcAccel(az), (calcGyro(gx) - gyroOffset[0]) * FROM_DEGREE_TO_RAD, (calcGyro(gy) - gyroOffset[1]) *...
Thank you for all the details and patience with this! I will refactor the driver to read the data in one I2C operation but first I would try to get...