H.John Choi
H.John Choi
numjs depends on sharp, and sharp depends on libvips `yarn add numjs` will be failed installing libvips because sharp ^0.27.2 downloads wrong binary At the Sharp documentation, they said _Prebuilt...
simple typo `event-tore.ts` => `event-store.ts`
simple typo: `libeProcessingStarted` to `liveProcessingStarted`
``` C# public static double VectorAngle(Vector3d a, Vector3d b, Plane plane) { Point3d testPoint1 = plane.Origin + a; Point3d testPoint2 = plane.Origin + b; Point3d point3d1 = plane.ClosestPoint(testPoint1); Point3d point3d2...
- fullfill -> fulfill - coinbase doc url change - base -> quote