
Results 12 comments of goxiaoy

my project is using flutter_html_view and sqflite. but error occurs while running package get `Because flutter_html_view >=0.5.10 depends on cached_network_image ^0.5.0+1 which depends on flutter_cache_manager ^0.2.0+1, flutter_html_view >=0.5.10 requires flutter_cache_manager...

建议在`newApp`的时候注入到函数签名里,比如 ```go // newApp 通过依赖注入得到 event.Producer func newApp(logger log.Logger, producer event.Producer)*kratos.App { //接下来所有的context都有这个信息 ctx := event.NewProducerContext(context.Background(), producer) ... return kratos.New( kratos.Context(ctx), ... ) } ```

What feature do you request in this microservices example? Or what problem are you facing when apply this package to microservices? This package provide a common pattern for resolving tenant...

https://github.com/apache/apisix/blob/f624fb0a4d33e5aa674ec659e9d778da2ef9860f/apisix/plugins/ext-plugin/init.lua#L626-L635 ``` local len = rewrite:RespHeadersLength() if len > 0 then for i = 1, len do local entry = rewrite:RespHeaders(i) local name = entry:Name() if exclude_resp_header[str_lower(name)] == nil then...

* From the [RFC 6265](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6265) > Origin servers SHOULD NOT fold multiple Set-Cookie header fields into a single header field. The usual mechanism for folding HTTP headers fields (i.e., as...

@jthann upgrade apisix to 2.14.0 or newer

Works for me ``` w http.ResponseWriter, r pkgHTTP.Request r.Header().Set("x-team-info","abc") ```

May relatated with https://github.com/ent/ent/issues/833

I just fixed this by replacing the file compare function and updating bsdiff to vcdiff in my branch https://github.com/Goxiaoy/Squirrel.Windows/tree/vcdiff see the difference https://github.com/Squirrel/Squirrel.Windows/compare/develop...Goxiaoy:vcdiff

在 Workspace 下的组件里 ```javascript import { autorun } from '@formily/reactive'; import { ... useTree, } from '@designable/react'; ... const treeData = useTree('你的workspaceId'); useEffect(() => { return autorun(() => { const...