if you integrate PTZTracker with ONVIF library then your library will be compatible with many cameras(which support onvif specification). you can look into this [library](https://github.com/Sufi-Al-Hussaini/onvif-gsoap-by-example). By the way you camera(...
I think, this tool also help us to extract license information on dependent libraries.Please provide option to extract license information
I would like to rerun Jobs are server restart for job schedule at once. For example, a job is scheduled at 9 A.M on 8 A.M.. Server got restarted at...
I am getting below error. could you please guide me. App/0verb parse-server-push-adapter APNS APNS Connection 0 Socket Error2016-09-15T17:22:18.430+0530 App/0 ^2016-09-15T17:22:18.449+0530 App/0 throw err;2016-09-15T17:22:18.449+0530 App/0Error: socket hang up2016-09-15T17:22:18.451+0530 App/0 at TLSSocket.onHangUp...
When zoom function is called from ONVIF library. focus control is responding instead of zoom control. Is there way to control both zoom and focus control of axis camera(model no...
Can we send mail invites using cloud code which uses mail adapter? If possible,could you share sample cloud code?
I would like to do stress testing on [parse server](https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server). Could you please guide me in this regard.
I would like to use syslog logger library. So,i thought of overriding est_init_logger function, I am referring to [est_init_logger](https://github.com/cisco/libest/blob/master/src/est/est.c#L244) in est.c. EST_ERROR est_init_logger (EST_LOG_LEVEL lvl, void (*loggerfunc)(char *, va_list)) //logger...
could you please suggest log library for est server written in c?